Monday, July 21, 2008

Readings 4.1: Good Business Sometimes Means the Customer Doesn’t Come First

Q1. Starbucks approach to business is to put “employee first” whereas Johnson & Johnson’s approach is “customers first”. In your opinion, which is the better approach?

Q2. Did Starbucks live up to its motto of employees first? If not, why?

Q3. How would you compare Starbucks actions to those of automakers who claim that they are only responsible for deaths and injuries due to automobile designs? (Reading 9.1)


shin nira said...

“Keep Your Hands Off Our Genes”
Question One

Do are agree with the author’s view that genetic testing in the workplace should be banned? Why or why not.

Follow our view, we agree use ban genetic testing to the employee. This is because exist him genetic testing deep some short this comings. This genetic testing use raise discrimination, discrimination may be construed batch wrongful act in employment, education, housing, health service and others.
In this case discrimination happened was forms of discrimination health service, racial discrimination and discrimination job where workers whose found to have risk suffer revenue dangerous diseases from genetic testing will be retrenched or no promotion although test stated no decision hundred percent to be legal. For example racial discrimination in America direct business that genetic examination bring to the form racial discrimination indirectly white skin among the people and black leather.
Additionally this genetic testing use big fix as those was reported by article this where Australian law an officer reform (ALRC) said although sometimes tense is justified use this genetic testing used in terms of protecting health and security for workers yet have employer no responsible in abusing this genetic testing for his employers.
This genetic testing use has also weakness from the aspect results of the test sometimes inaccurate tense over workers level of health. This resulted some workers not agree with the use genetic testing examination this is because can affect the performance their produce are work.

Question Two

Are your genetic fingerprints considered personal or personnel property? Cite relevant theories or examples to support your arguments.

Us choose genetic fingerprints considered personal because follow theory Kantian about “moral right” may be eliminated definition that right to stop or demand upper it other person enable individual choose to do something subordinate in other words can choose level care system health and security design at the place own work other than make inspection genetic testing those carried out by the employer they upper. This is because this genetic testing has contravened their right where employer disclose information workers genetic testing to other parties could even drop individual birthright .
Willing the utilitarianism theory make ethic a theoretical powerful ones and she widely used. Exist his application which involves a-list generation alternative, survey result each alternative to the future with further choose alternative has repercussions best to all party. Therefore employer side not only can use genetic testing examination to his employee because much more applicable other alternatives to know level of health and look after worker safety place of work.

Question Three

In opinion, should genetic testing be permitted in the workplace in Malaysia? Why or why not.

To our view, genetic testing examination should not be introduced deep field of work in Malaysia because Malaysia compound is the state from the aspect racial diversity and plural society deep custom like Malaysia and law there were many and work ethic code in Malaysia.
Because genetic testing use have a lot of weaknesses from the aspect violate employee personal information where employee personal boutiques must state in this genetic testing, then use in other words this genetic testing has contravened workers birthright and could cause misunderstanding among the parties employee and employer.
This genetic testing use also caused discrimination in employment and health service where employer use genetic testing this for decide in the labor promotion and increase the employee pay per month or years. Then indirectly this will cause performance and employee productivity will decline and this could affect national economy caused results of the test sometimes inaccurate tense and employer often abuse genetic testing where have employer expose genetic testing information his workers to other parties according to need some parties and right argument said discrimination infringes the fundamental moral rights.
Additionally also this genetic examination meet and other many consumer in failure it previously those carried out in countries outside as deep America field of work and others field. Therefore, something examination those carried out for employee have to look to the good most higher compared with pain acquired by individual and group.

lia mellya said...


Starbuck approach to business is to put “employee first” whereas Johnson & Johnson’s approach “customer first”. In your opinion, which is the betteer approach ?

To our opinion, us choose two stated method namely prioritize employee and in the same period customer prioritising also. By as, both of them is equally important in develop and to do business ethical beside obtain profit clean.

When we prioritize employee, that is with creating a corporate culture good in the organisation namely pay belief and comfort to deep workers organisation, there will form one action and good thinking among them. Stated workers will feel appreciated and can implement duties good further can respond service of the yang good and likable to all the customers.

willing theory deontologikal stress about something wrong or right action not it caused by benefit to oneself or other people but caused by measure quality one myself or rule should be followed. therefore, theory deontologikal regard responsibility is about basic who said ‘ do onto others as you would have them do unto you’ and also because amount of respect to other.

With practise stated theory, customer also will feel them appreciated and in to focus base quality of services provided by the employee.

WD.Ross also taken list seven rule moral namely honesty, repair , sense indebted or appreciation, justice, gives benefit, pembaikkan person, and inoffensiveness. in this case, what should stressed was honesty namely employee must honest in accomplish the task him, and always made pembaikkan in the work to generate assignment that quality in granting service best-of to each customer they.

question 2
Did Starbucks live up to its motto of employee first? If not, why?
When Starbucks live up refer that motto, its can show through both of perceptive between the employees and customers. Employees perceptive are positive because employees will to give the quality work that needed of employer if the company used the motto of employees if the company used the motto of employees first. When all the facility as minimum of salary, rest room and others was ready of employer, the employees will doing the best of work without pressure or stress and if can increase work productivity of employees. Productivity was produce of employees give the best services to customers with satisfaction and costumer needed. It’s not just give the benefit to employees, the benefit can receive to costumer s too.
By the customers perceptive, costumers opinion is Starbucks cannot appreciate the customer. For them, if their want to give the comment about the company or employees, the comment cannot need of company. Other that, customer thinking, the services is cannot give satisfaction and achieve their needed. Their thinking likes that because, whatever employee doing still will appreciate of company and employees can make the work without much enthusiasm.
Refer the question, theory was application is Teleological Theory. The theory describes about that action wrong or right refers at the count of right causes who produce. The action was justify of the result was acquire not of action characteristic. Right or wrong concept and responsibility determine or decide with look at the action that produces more benefit that weakness.
This can show when the company important at their employees, its can give more benefit to company because employees can show high quality work and give the good services to the company customers.

question 3

How would you compare Starbucks actions to those of automakers who claim that they are only responsible for deaths and injuries due to automobile designs?

Base to business Starbucks, them mere focus to direct services to the customer which design will pay treatment based on customers’ wants. Apart from that, Starbucks also not impose extension service after purchase because agreement between Starbucks with the customer has been during product buying process only.

Starbuck also not responsible for accident or negligence caused by the customer one myself. This is because motto Starbucks their employee’s are prioritizing over with the customer. They also did not give any insurance to the customer buy their product. To the automotive industry also, them more responsible for death and injury which involves their use of product. Design also provided warranty and insurance to the customer buy car. Usually, trade process in among seller and buyer need procedural that many. This is because customer get comply standard in whose fix by the seller prior car. Apart from that, design also provided extension serviced service after purchase.