Monday, July 21, 2008

Reading 1-2: "An Ethical Hero or a Failed Businessman?

Q1 Would you consider Aaron's decision to rebuilt immediately after the fire an emotional decision or a virtuous one?

Q2 From the utilitarian perspective, did Aaron Feuerstein do the right thing?

Q3 What would have done had you been Aaron Feuerstein?


Unknown said...

My comment to question 1 is Aaron's decision to rebuild company factories it after fire occurrence make a decision so noble or holy, because by rebuild stated plant Aaron also not neglected his responsibility for his workers, which he fixed pay wages to them during stated plant reconstruction process until design can work again.

In Aaron's decision, he use teory utilitarian. This theory express something decision make are considered as one result right if it gives effect that positive or give delight to everyone. We think he use teory utilitarian because he still pay wages to his employees during rebuild process, it can help his workers in terms of revenue. As we ready to inform, stated plant fire occurring during economy crisis. If Aaron no pay wages to his workers, unable employees like to support their life.

Aaron's decision also can inhibit criminal case increase that may happen if Aaron no took the decision that way. This possibility perhaps will happen because during economy crisis besetting, man can use various means to accommodate their life include stealing, rob, in fact may happen murder to acquire financial resource that can accommodate high that living cost.

Unknown said...

My comment to question 2 is utilitarian perspective fall into two theory namely theological and deontological. Theoretically theological, it customary referring to utilitarian which it stress that something action so is right or wrong determined by the number good result produce from stated decision. Apart from that, this theory said right concept or wrong and responsibility determined with see action produce good that the greatest over evil.

Aaron's decision more focused result or impact will happen after something decision made, which Aaron more emphasizing his responsibility to on his workers and decision make more emphasizing positive impact and able to give lot of good over negative impact experienced by it. Therefore, follow theory theological, Aaron had committed a right thing.

From the aspect deontological also in contrast to theological because this theory not regard result or impact as factor those relevant in ascertaining something action or decision those made. Deontological firms that an action is right or wrong not because by benefit to oneself or other people but caused by measure quality one myself or rule should be followed.

Look theoretically this also, decision made by Aaron was wrong as he duly clever to control withdrawal of money. This is because to rebuild his factories burn need high cost. Aaron also perhaps will succeed to rebuild stated plant him if not pay the employee while construction process stated, because the cost used to settle probably able pay the employee to accommodate industry development cost stated.

Unknown said...

My comment to question 3 is we fixed will decide as those drawn up by Aaron namely give pay to the employee although the company at that time badly needed financial resource that sufficient to accommodate reconstruction cost factory whose have been burnt. We took the decision is because misery of live will be experienced by current workers economy crisis in that year will cause range of possibilities negative will happen and they unlikely can undergo life by normal as surrounding community. With taken this decision, we afford member joy to employees. Referring concept “the greatest happiness” which is founded by John Stuart Mill mentions action is right if member joy and action that were wrong if it gives effect contrary.

Apart from that, impact indirectly resultant from the decision those made this able to give motivation to employee to help the company from the aspect performance and productivity produce to achieve the objective that the desired by the organization. This is because design know that employer afford to defend the right design even if whatever that happens. Hence, they will be more loyalist deep to the company achieve company mission.

arial said...

Malden Mill was a family-owned business, founded in 1906. Aaron Feuerstein is the founder of the fabric mill. They use the high quality fabric that, Polartec, to produce the outdoor clothe that can use in winter.
The mill is built in an area to give job to the local communities. Beside that, the local economic will be increase. Malden Mill has 2,400 employees.
However, in 11th December 1995, a fire broke out in a textile mill. The fire destroyed most of the mill. The fire are effected the company, employees and the surrounding communities.
In we opinion, Aaron is a responsible person and he have a high moral leadership. Although, he borrow money to rebuild the mill and he also pay the employees salary although they not work.
Aaron receives the fire insurance and then, he built a large facility and continues of his brand.
However, the business proved a failure and he want to get out of it because of cheap competition in warm winter. In 2001, he had to declare bankruptcy but still in protection until 2003. Aaron lost control in 2004 and finally he lost to save his company.

Question 1
Would you consider Aaron’s decision to rebuild immediately after the fire an emotional decision or a virtuous one? Support your arguments using the ethical theories you have studied.

In my opinion, the decision that decided by Aaron to rebuild the after the fire are based on a virtuous decision.
The purpose for the decision that made by Aaron is for the better relationship with the workers and create a better and ideal working atmosphere in the mill.
His decision showed that the result of he being known as the hero in the Lawrence, the place the Malden Mill located, because he save the people in Lawrence by regain the economy in that place.
That theory that I can best suggest is the theory of utilitarianism which use the consequences approach which mean the right or wrong of an action is fully determined by the result of that action.
Hereby we know that he rebuild the Malden Mill and willing pay to his un-employed workers even his factory still in the progress of rebuilding. That action is the right or wrong action which is to take?
Additional, the result from the incident was the result for he, a hero in the Lawrence because of his effort and determination which turn him truly a social responsibility person. A failing will not end on the spot, but the failing will give an experience in the return and he was able to regain the Malden Mill again.

Question 2
From the utilitarian perspective, did Aaron Feuerstein do the right thing?

In this case, he was absolutely right. The utilitarianism means that the satisfactions which feel by a moral action taken, it contribute to the total of happiness and enjoyment within the people involved.

From this case, the utilitarianism in the form of “consequentialism” existed. Consequentialism is the right or wrong which determined based on the result of the decision itself. the insurance company didn’t mentioned that the limitation for the size of rebuild Malden Mill by Aaron Feuerstein. Aaron Feuerstein took decision to rebuild the larger mill as the best way and he did not feel waste for he money he invested. After the Malden Mill was rebuild, the business became slow because of the extra empty space in the mill.

Utilitarianism form the “universalism” . It is the right result and consequence from the action took and involving all the people. After the Malden Mills suffered the fire incident on 15 December 1995, Aaron Feuerstein decided to used the insurance money to rebuild the mill and pay all the unemployed workers.

Utilitarianism which form the “maximalism” is the right action, not just give the right impact but also give the most quantity of right things more than the negative incident. Through this involvement in basic training CEO especially in the period of partial companies moved to overseas and “downsizing”.

Question 3
What would you done had you been Aaron Feuerstein? Support your arguments using the ethical theories you have studied.

Aaron Feuerstein, as the CEO of the Malden Mill, did the greatest achievement in his life. He use not only his insurance from the fire incident to rebuilt the factory but also paid the salary to the workers at the same time. This insanity act allowed his un-employed employees to received salary, keeping them up to 3 months with the payroll for 6 months.

If I am the Aaron Feuerstein, I would do the same thing as his done. I m a utilitarianism supporter, considering the effect will be involving the most of the people, the sacrifice for partial from the financial is necessary to keep the best safe. Lawrence is a small place with many people, the only support for every family and foreign workers at there is the Malden Mill.

At the same time, what had he (AF) done is a wise and insane decision, he is wise because he saved over hundreds of his employees from leaving the Lawrence, which could consequence the major economic failure in that place. In the other hand, he is insane because he make a great step toward the bankruptcy for the Malden Mill which is cost billions.

From the view of utilitarianism theory, (AF) considered the priority for the workers rather himself. In this case, he sacrificed the Malden Mill by taking a great step to the bankruptcy and the end of his career. But the other hand, his decision consequences the burst of loyalty and joy among his workers, and the area (Lawrence) was able to rebuilt the economy and he received a degree of fame.

From the case, it didn’t specify that the (AF) purposely did the great things such as rebuilt the factory to gain the job for the people in the Lawrence and paid the further salary to his un-employed workers. This is because he made the decision based on ethics principles.

He (AF) are worth to called the man with extra responsibility that he care for his employees and did more than the part he should for them. For him, it seems to be his responsibility that to rebuilt the hope for them, but to me it is far more than that.

From Group:
Ang Hong Ping
Glenn Damian Geoffrey
Mohd Khairul Anwar B. Halim

MoralHeroes said...

I side with the views of an ethical hero. What is the purpose of a business, just to get money? or is it to create and sustain jobs, develop technology and get money?

Aaron realized that his workers are as significant to his company as the profits they make. Without one, the other wouldn't exist.

When all went down in the fire, Aaron didn't fail his company, rebuilding allowed the polartech technology to be enhanced, rebuilding saved the community from collapse, rebuilding saved highly skilled workforce from losing a purpose for their skills. He lost money, and eventually the company, but the employees, the community and the products live on.

How could this be considered a failure? Thanks for featuring Aaron and this ethics.

Because of the great deed you listed here he is also featured as hero of the week over at